08 June 2014


Posted by Vinoth Subramanian | Sunday, June 08, 2014 Categories: , ,
Oh! My dream, my sweet heart,
You only understood my heart
At that night, though our meeting was very short,
I will never forget the happy life lesson which you taught.

You made me believe as if I got,
Don’t worry, I will never tell others about the thing which is what;
No problem, I will be sleeping on the same spot,
Will you be able to come or not!

Okay now tell me, what was your intention?
Have you noticed my moaning?
Then why did you put me in tension!
The very next morning.

Really how sweet of you!
At that night, along with me, you made my father also happy
Suddenly though you made me sad
In sun light you didn’t hurt my lovable dad.

Will you be able to bring
The great Edison whom you brought to my sight!
Will you also be able to bring
John Logie Baird as you did at the same night.

You told, that I will no longer forget,
About our sacred meeting that should be kept secret.
Had you come to resolve my life-threat!
Then I will wait for you by sleeping as I slept.

Where did you come from?
And where did you go then!
Kindly do send me your address
Hope it will reduce my deep stress.

Don’t send it through Skype or Facebook.
Because, somebody will type and book you!
So we shall have a direct look,
Come, in the day time also, I will be waiting for you.

Don’t make me search you here and there,
Kindly come and be always with me, very near;
If not you then with whom else I will share?
So please be regular and reappear.

You came on March 23,
And shaped me like an ever flying bird;
Listen to these words which I never uttered
I know that you also would not have been delivered

Not a single soul had heard them from me before,
And no other soul will hear them anymore
Oh oh my dream here I tell you
In extreme "hear" I-I- I LOVE YOU!

End of the poem "THE LETTER, TO MY DREAM."



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